Friday, June 22, 2007

What is love to me?

I was in the airplane on my way back and this thought came to my mind which I want to share. I have been chatting with a friend concerning love few days ago...and love is something which still amazes me until today.

Here I stand, at the age of 19 going on 20. I have always struggled with love and at many times, I feel like giving up on it.

All for love a Father gave,
For only love could make a way...

Everything we do all comes down to love be it relationship with people or a special someone. We often ask God (or at least I do), "Who is my special someone? When I fall in love, how do I know if it's from God?"

Many face situations where you fall in love with someone but your love is unreturned. I know that it hurts to see the person you love going out with another for I was once in that position. I have a shirt that says:

To love is to find pleasure in the happiness of the person loved.

I find this phrase very true yet it's difficult to comprehend. Love is about self-sacrifice and not self-centred. Love is the greatest of all and in all circumstances, we should continually pray for the happiness of the one you love. There is no boundary to what depth love can reach. You love a person because of who they are inside and what they are when it comes to relationship with people around them, not what they do to you to earn you love.

Do not rush into a relationship even at times when you think that it's the right time to start one now! Always remember, Jesus Loves You and His love will never fail. Wait on God to bring the right person into your life, for an upright relationship glorifies God and helps to grow together in God. Whether you are single or attached, do not put God out of the picture. Let God be the centre of a relationship. Most importantly, LET GOD BE THE AUTHOR OF YOUR LOVE STORY! God bless.


Blogger CWKen said...

yes i so agree wif u :D budden wat bout other types of love other than just the boy-girl relationship such as love for family, friends and the world? how bout urself for an instance? lol well maybe u do mean dat in ur post n i misread it. Jus an opinion. Anyway, welcome back! :)

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